When a person makes the decision to heal from the things that have hindered them and kept them bound, it welcomes in a world of extreme unfamiliarity, and can cause anxiousness and hesitation in the beginning. Though healing is 100% necessary and healthy for your life, it causes heights in emotions, revisiting dark places, and confronting that which wants to hide away. You can expect to lose people with whom you’ve developed unhealthy attachment, and you’ll experience a newfound confidence with choosing, and staying true to yourself. While you’re aligning with your new highest, truest, healthiest self, here’s what you can expect so that you’re not caught off guard or feel impulse to retreat back to what may feel “comfortable:”
- Extreme feelings of discomfort and emotion.
- You’ll no longer find yourself, “coasting,” through life, and situations that you may have normalized due to trauma, hurt, and experience will heighten your senses to RUN. While running won’t be the solution for the majority of these occurrences, analyzing exactly what your feeling of discomfort is, where it’s coming from, and what healthy way you can implement boundary will be your new response. In the past you may have shut down, guarded yourself, or isolated. Healing will cause you to first and foremost, confront your feelings. Affirm: “I am allowing myself to feel my way through what’s good and maladaptive for my life.”
- Newfound confidence when choosing self.
- Once your fear for change and discomfort has lessened, you’ll begin to feel a newfound confidence when you make healthy decisions for yourself. Before you may have felt guilty for making decisions that best served you. Walking in healing will allow you to feel compassion for others, but not to the extent that you neglect your own needs. You’ll no longer feel you have to sacrifice your own happiness for the maintenance of relationships and other people’s comfort zones. If you being your confident self is offensive to someone, kindly show them the door sis. Affirm: “I am confident. I am whole. I choose myself before anyone else.”
- Desires of individuality and fresh starts.
- Often times when you’re operating from “wounded,” woman vs “healed,” woman you’ll feel the need to suppress yourself and “blend in,” with those around you. Walking in healing will draw you to engaging in things you can enjoy by yourself in your free time. You’ll feel the need to prioritize quality time with self and have a strong sense of desiring newness in your life. Don’t be surprised if you start new creative or therapeutic ventures. You’re welcome into that change you’ve always desired. Walk boldly and confidently. Affirm: “I am an empowered individual, tapped into the God within me. I am unstoppable. I produce and allow in goodness.”
Remember that healing does not look or feel one way. Be open and aware of the many shifts and turns that will occur and don’t shy away from things that look completely new to you. Discomfort does not equate to negative, letting go doesn’t equate to sadness, individuality attracts soul alignment. Embrace it all queen.
By: Shawana Ward