Women… Why is it so taboo to talk about our health?! Why do we feel ashamed or embarrassed about things that we go through? Body aches, fatigue, depression, periods, cramps, sleep deprivation, anxiety, age, hormones… These and more are all natural things that happen to women everyday but yet we aren’t talking about them.
We need to empower each other and that means building a community that is strong and doesn’t judge. Being able to find a common ground so that we don’t feel alone is so important. We all have learned different things about ourselves at different stages of our lives. Some lessons are learned quicker than others. While other people may get their experience from their peers' mistakes or adventures.
Let’s be real here. Talking about these things are nothing compared to the serious issues like breast cancer and ovarian cancer. So why is it that we keep them secret? When do we begin to open up the doors to talk about everyday things and not feel embarrassed about it. We are human beings who make other human beings! We are super women!
In making “difficult” topics easier to talk about it gives women the chance to have more self-love and self care. Find a group of women that you can talk to about EVERYTHING that is going on. There is no need for us to suffer in silence anymore
By: Mo